provides a spatially oriented, data-driven platform to streamline the energy code compliance process
Our TECHNOLOGY is the first comprehensive technology solution to radically improve building energy efficiency at the time of construction. improves building energy outcomes by using a data-driven web and mobile platform to streamline the compliance process for building officials, contractors, and engineers.
The integration of digital tools across the construction sequence allows teams to catch errors when they can best be fixed. works for both new construction and existing building retrofits.
OUR MODEL provides compliance improvement technology to cities and their constituents (all users) at no cost. We operate as an efficiency program under contract to utilities and other entities that procure energy efficiency.
We started to bring technology to the unmanageable burden of compliance, a process that is still almost entirely paper-based and in desperate need of data-driven solutions. Our goal is to empower cities and their constituents to measurably improve energy outcomes in their built environment.
Who uses Codecycle?
Design Teams's online compliance assistance tool is used by design teams to help them comply with the energy code (e.g. Title 24) early in their design process.
Designer using CodeCycle? Log-in to the tool
Want to use CodeCycle on your project? Let us know
Plans Examiners + Field Inspectors's inspection application is used by plans examiners and field inspectors to verify building attributes to confirm compliance.
Is your building department interested in using Contact us here
process benefits
Prioritizes the compliance process for building officials, directing inspectors first and foremost to those inspection areas that will save the most energy
Presents code requirements in plan-view, on a space-by-space basis
Catches errors and discrepancies early through automated analysis
Reduces what could be a multi-hour process for plan checkers or field inspectors to just a few minutes
“I think we would absolutely spend more time enforcing the energy code if we had this tool.”
CodeCycle Helps Cities
Achieve meaningful carbon reductions in new and existing buildings
Make energy code compliance smart and accessible for building departments and their constituents
Track local energy savings that result from advanced compliance improvement, informing progress towards climate action goals